Welcome to the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast Blog!

We do our best to transcribe all of the podcast episodes into a blog post, so please use the search bar on the right to find what you're looking for! 

Questions? Email us at [email protected] 


Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series - Part 3 growing Jul 15, 2024

Today, I want to delve into the fascinating world of flower harvesting, sharing some tried-and-true tips to help you maximize efficiency on your flower farm. Whether you're a seasoned grower or just starting, these insights will help streamline your processes and ensure that you always have the...

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Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series - Part 2 business growth growing Jul 08, 2024

In the latest episode of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I dive into the intricacies of planning and efficiency in flower farming. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, these insights can help you optimize your processes and boost your productivity.

The Power of Planning


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Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series - Part 1 business growth growing Jul 01, 2024

Welcome to the first installment of our Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series. As a flower farmer, I know firsthand the challenges and rewards of cultivating beautiful blooms. In this mini-series, I'll share the insights and strategies I've learned to make flower farming...

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Creating a Beautiful Wildflower Patch: My Journey and Tips for Success growing Jun 25, 2024

Today, I'm thrilled to share my journey of creating a wildflower patch and offer some tips on how you can cultivate your own vibrant oasis. Growing wildflowers has been a rewarding experience, and I hope my insights will inspire you to start your own patch.

This is a brief summary of an entire...

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Overwintering Ranunculus in Zone 4B: My Journey and Lessons Learned growing high tunnel Jun 10, 2024

Growing ranunculus in Zone 4B has been an incredible journey filled with challenges, successes, and valuable lessons. As a flower farmer in a colder climate, I've discovered that with the right techniques and tools, these beautiful blooms can thrive even in less-than-ideal conditions. In...

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Efficient Flower Storage Solutions: Insights from CoolBot's Julia DeGennaro growing Jun 04, 2024

In a recent episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Julia DeGennaro from CoolBot about flower coolers and cooling solutions for small businesses. As a flower farmer, I've always emphasized the importance of proper storage to maintain the freshness and...

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Should You Start a Flower Farm? Part 2: Managing Time and Expenses business growth growing Apr 22, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in it's entirety below.

Today, we're diving into the essential resources needed to start a flower farm, focusing on two critical elements: time and money.

1. Time and Flexibility

Starting a flower farm demands a...

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How One Easter Order of 300 Bouquets Transformed My Flower Farming Business growing sales Mar 22, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

As the host of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I often talk about the power of storytelling with a purpose. Today, I want to share a personal story that embodies this idea—one...

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Growing Green: The Vital Role of Composting in Sustainable Flower Farming growing Mar 18, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

In my recent conversation with Liselotte from 80 Miles North Flower Farm, we delved into the crucial topic of composting and its significance for flower farmers like us. Liselotte...

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Growing Tulips Hydroponically: An Innovative Journey into Year-Round Beauty growing tulips Feb 26, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

As a flower farmer, my journey has been filled with unexpected twists and turns, leading me to discover my true passion for cultivating beauty from the soil. Today, I...

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Growing Beyond the Farm Stand: The Evolution of a Flower Farm business growth customer engagement growing Feb 19, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

I've experienced firsthand the evolution of my business from a humble farm stand to a thriving enterprise. 

When I first started my flower farm, setting up a farm stand...

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How to Start a Flower Farm with $10,000 business growth growing tools Feb 12, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

Check out the other blogs in this series: How to Start a Flower Farm with $100 and How to Start a Flower Farm with $1000

Today, I want to share some insights on how to...

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