Welcome to the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast Blog!

We do our best to transcribe all of the podcast episodes into a blog post, so please use the search bar on the right to find what you're looking for! 

Questions? Email us at [email protected] 


Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series - Part 2 business growth growing Jul 08, 2024

In the latest episode of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I dive into the intricacies of planning and efficiency in flower farming. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, these insights can help you optimize your processes and boost your productivity.

The Power of Planning


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Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series - Part 1 business growth growing Jul 01, 2024

Welcome to the first installment of our Productivity and Efficiency Tips for Flower Farming Mini Series. As a flower farmer, I know firsthand the challenges and rewards of cultivating beautiful blooms. In this mini-series, I'll share the insights and strategies I've learned to make flower farming...

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Flower Farmer Forum Friday Featured Flower Farmer - Olson Blooms business growth Jun 21, 2024

I’m thrilled to bring you another inspiring installment of our Flower Farmer Forum Friday Featured Flower Farmer series. This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Nicole from Olson Blooms, a blossoming flower farming business in Holly, Minnesota. Nicole’s journey from teaching to...

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The Vital Role of Professional Marketing for Your Farm with Kelly Cane of Moxie Creative business growth marketing strategies Jun 17, 2024

As a flower farmer and the host of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I've had the pleasure of connecting with numerous professionals who bring invaluable insights to the table. Recently, I had an enlightening conversation with Kelly Cane of Moxie Creative, and our discussion centered on the critical...

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Flower Farmer Forum Friday Featured Flower Farmer - Ranchy Stems business growth Jun 14, 2024

Today, I'm excited to kick off our new series, The Flower Farmer Forum Friday Featured Flower Farmer, where we interview innovative flower farmers who are doing things differently. In our first episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Katie and Audra from Ranchy Stems in South Dakota. Their...

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The Importance of Rest and Recovery When it Comes to Running Your Business business growth May 27, 2024

Today, I want to dive into a topic that is often overlooked but absolutely crucial for long-term success: the importance of rest and recovery in business. Running a business, especially in the dynamic world of cut flower farming, is incredibly demanding. It requires not just hard work and...

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How Paid Facebook and Instagram Targeted Ads Can Boost Your Business business growth facebook ads instagram ads marketing strategies social media advertising May 08, 2024

I want to dive into a topic that’s becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to grow and thrive in the digital age: paid Facebook and Instagram-targeted ads.

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Lexi Wright, an expert in social media advertising and the...

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Should You Start a Flower Farm? Part 3: Learning Beyond the Blooms business growth May 01, 2024

As a flower farmer, I know firsthand the dedication and passion required to start and run a successful flower farm. In this episode of The Sunny Mary Meadow podcast, we wrapped up our three-part mini-series on starting a flower farm. We delved into crucial aspects beyond just growing flowers,...

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Should You Start a Flower Farm? Part 2: Managing Time and Expenses business growth growing Apr 22, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in it's entirety below.

Today, we're diving into the essential resources needed to start a flower farm, focusing on two critical elements: time and money.

1. Time and Flexibility

Starting a flower farm demands a...

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Should You Start a Flower Farm? Part 1: Questions to Consider business growth customer engagement sales Apr 15, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in it's entirety below.

Hello, fellow flower enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to kick off a special three-part mini-series titled "Should You Start a Flower Farm?" Today, we'll delve into some important questions to ask...

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The Power of Email Marketing for Your Small Business business growth customer engagement email marketing marketing strategies social media integration Apr 03, 2024

In the latest episode of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Robert with EmailToolTester about the incredible impact email marketing can have on businesses. We explored various aspects of this powerful tool, from building an email list to integrating social media...

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Growing Beyond the Farm Stand: The Evolution of a Flower Farm business growth customer engagement growing Feb 19, 2024

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

I've experienced firsthand the evolution of my business from a humble farm stand to a thriving enterprise. 

When I first started my flower farm, setting up a farm stand...

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